Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter with Friends

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Somehow we all got ready for church on time and were looking good. Avery was probably the most excited about her Easter attire. She's been planning to wear her pretty blue dress for weeks now. London was equally as cute in her frilly pink flower dress. Unfortunately, we live in a state where it snows on Easter, so the girls had to wear sweaters over their dresses. Braden looked good in his black suit. He wasn't nearly as excited about dressing up and tried desparately to find a sick family member to stay home and take care of instead of going to church. He was happy when he got there and gave a wonderful talk in closing exercises about Jesus Christ being his Savior. We've tried hard to remember the real reason for Easter is the Savior's Resurrection and the kids have been great at reminding us. After church we came home and changed clothes so we could go have and Easter feast with some friends, the Schow and Ross families. Avery was "helping" Brad cut up fruit for the fruit salad we were taking over and she nearly ate it all before we could get it in the bowl. Braden enjoyed Kelley's ham so much that he kept blurting out "I love this ham, I'm on my third pound!" We all had a great time. The guys discussed dental procedures, the girls shared recipes, and the kids....well, let's just say a 2, 3, 4, and 5 year old plus excessive amounts of chocolate equal loud and rowdy.

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